Sunday, May 19, 2019

Proper Posture and Body Mechanics

Having the proper posture and body mechanics can help prevent and protect the body from resulting in pain and injury. Also, it can help to efficiently and effectively carry out functional tasks in daily activities without having problems. Some things to take into consideration with having good posture and body mechanics is having a good base of support which contributes to stability and balance and allows the body to stay in equilibrium. In addition, if a client has poor posture it can cause tightening and loosening in muscles and cause the spine to become kyphotic or lordotic. Educating a client who has faulty posture and body mechanics can help with restoring or help with injury or pain from reoccurring or happening in the first place. Simply by letting them know the correct way to sit, stand, bend/lift, reach, turning, pushing/pulling and even modifications that could be done.

An intervention example I would use for my client in order for them to have the right body mechanics and posture, is to work on trunk and core exercises to strengthen these areas. Having a strong and stable trunk and core can take a lot of stress and load off the body. Another intervention I would teach is to make sure when the client is performing tasks, especially when repeating a motion, that they are not overworking or fatigued when doing an activity, as this increases the risk of pain and injury. Furthermore, this would include taking rest breaks when needed and not doing an activity that is strenuous to the body.

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