Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Importance and Purpose of ROM & MMT

As for ROM purposes, it is important that the client is in the right position and the goniometer is placed at the right bony landmark to get the most accurate reading. This ensures intrarater and interrater reliability. Also, you want the patient to be in the correct position for use of full ROM and being able to palpate and stabilize segments that are being measured. The purpose for the test position in regards to MMT is to make sure the client is comfortable and in the safest position, as well as in the correct position to be able to test the appropriate muscles being tested and have optimal muscle contraction (have client in MID ROM). As for the gravity eliminated position, this is used for the client's who have trouble holding the resistance of the break test against gravity. Placing the client in the gravity eliminated position, if needed, helps to facilitate greatest contraction because the joint being moved is not having to go against resistance because it is positioned parallel to the ground.


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