Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Neuro Note #1: OT Interventions used in Multiple Sclerosis

For this neuro note, I decided to read and review a systematic review about occupational therapy interventions used for multiple sclerosis. This article particularly looked at activity and participation as the intervention that was given by a multidisciplinary team. Multiple Sclerosis affects the central nervous system and impairs people's abilities to functionally engage in occupations. The three main categories or types of interventions given were rehabilitation programs, including inpatient and outpatient, fatigue management programs, which were either long-distance or face-to-face, and health promotion programs, that really align with occupational therapy philosophy. Having the multidisciplinary effort, it was beneficial in improving functional status, motor function, and self-perceived quality of life. Occupational therapists being a part of this team, they were able to help with ADL functioning, as well as stress and fatigue management. Being able to see the different aspects brought to the table with the multidisciplinary approach was beneficial for my learning, because it really is a team effort to help someone get back to their meaningful and purposeful everyday life. I chose this article and this neurological condition because we have not yet fully discussed MS in class, so I wanted to dive deeper into it. Also throughout my experience doing observations and an internship, I was not able to see a lot of cases of multiple sclerosis, so being able to learn in detail about what occupational therapists do for this condition was helpful. Occupational therapists play such a vital role in helping people recover and to be able to research and find articles like this are so beneficial to know on how to become a client-centered, evidence-based practitioner.

Below you will find the link to the article for access.

Yu, C., & Mathiowetz, V. (2014, January 01). Systematic Review of Occupational Therapy–Related Interventions for People With Multiple Sclerosis: Part 1. Activity and Participation. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from